Current weather in Naturns
General weather today:High pressure will determine the weather, but in the lower layers of the atmosphere we will be met by masses of moist air from the south. |
Il tempo domani:In Bassa Atesina and around Bolzano low clouds may form in the early morning. Elsewhere sunny weather throughout the day. |
Afternoon temperatures between 4° in Brunico and 7° in Merano. |
Mountain weather today:On the southern mountain ranges visibility may be locally reduced by low clouds. Elsewhere sunny weather with often clear skies. |
Weather development
Variable weather with sunshine and passing clouds is expected on Tuesday. Wednesday will begin with many clouds and some rain showers will be possible in places. In the course of the day, the clouds will tend to thin out, starting in the Vinschgau Valley. Thursday will start with mostly cloudy skies. Some precipitation will be possible in the northern sectors. In the afternoon, the clouds will tend to thin out. In the north on Friday, the sky will be mostly cloudy with a few snow showers. Towards the south, the weather will be mostly sunny.
Tuesday 26.11 | Wednesday 27.11 | Thursday 28.11 |
Temp. min.: 0° | Temp. min.: 1° | Temp. min.: 1° |
Temp. max.: 9° | Temp. max.: 9° | Temp. max.: 9° |